Wildlife Photography Contest
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Chausingha Satpura*

Amidst the rugged landscape of Satpura Tiger Reserve, our safari came to life as a chousingha, the elusive four-horned antelope, crossed our path. With hearts pounding and breaths held, we watched in awe as this graceful creature moved effortlessly through the wilderness.

Satpura Tiger Reserve

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Crested Hawk Eagle*

I spotted this crested hawk eagle in Churna Tiger Reserve in 2021.

Churna Tiger Reserve

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Majestic Guardian: The Rock Eagle Owl*

The Rock Eagle-Owl, scientifically known as Bubo bengalensis, is a striking bird of prey characterized by its distinctive ear tufts and captivating orange eyes. Found in diverse habitats across Asia, from rocky landscapes to dense forests, this nocturnal hunter possesses impressive adaptability. With a wingspan of up to two feet, it gracefully soars through the night skies in pursuit of its prey, establishing itself as a symbol of both mystery and natural elegance.

Kerwa Dam Bhopal

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Black-bellied tern threatened by zaid crop*

When I took this Black-bellied Tern photo then time was mid january and the place was Tawa River near Sohagpur. This time was around their breeding season (February-April). In this riverine area some community's people are doing zaid crop which area was black-bellied tern's breeding place. This situation occurs in the riverine areas of almost all rivers. Due to zaid crop, black-bellied tern's habitat and nests are destroyed by humans miss happening, further endangering the black-bellied tern's specie.

Tawa River near Sohagpur

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Indian Crested Porcupine Kanha*

An Indian Crested Porcupine was framed on a chilling evening in the Kanha National Park. Sun was going down the horizon and darkness was gradually setting in. At this moment, this beautiful and rare creature was spotted and now everyone wanted to have a glimpse and click the image . These movements alerted the animal and made it to hide inside the bushes. After some time when no one was there slowly it came out for an evening walk when this image was captured.

Kanha National Park

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Brown-capped pygmy woodpecker*

The brown-capped pygmy woodpecker or Indian pygmy woodpecker is a species of very small woodpecker found in Nepal, India and Sri Lanka.


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Eurasian griffon vulture*

Picture was captured at Panna tiger reserve in area aka vulture point.The Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus) is a large bird of prey in the Accipitridae family. It is a migratory species that migrates from northern areas to the Panna Tiger Reserve (PTR) in November and returns in February or March.

Panna tiger reserve

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Striped Hyena Couple*

A very rare sighting of a striped hyena, and that too a couple. This was in Panna National Park where we started hearing some alarm calls and were expecting a big cat show up but instead, we got an even bigger surprise. This shall always be one of the most special sightings of my lifetime

Panna National Park

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At the top of the Cenotaph*

this is a pair of white-backed vultures sitting at the top of the cenotaphs in Orchha, basking in the sunlight.


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My way, High-Way*

Asian woolly necked stork perching on a tree at Vanvihar Bhopal

Vanvihar Bhopal

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Brown fish owl*

Captured at churna forest (Satpura tiger reserve)

Satpura tiger reserve

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Juvenile Domination*

Juvenile Himalayan griffon vulture is claiming the domination over a carrion while competing with older and mature long billed vulture.


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Migratory magnificence*

European migratory, Eurasian Griffon Vulture migrating to dumping grounds in Madhya Pradesh is quite a rare sighting. These vultures are huge compared to the resident Long-billed vulture. Capture details: Captured on 23/12/2023 in Rewa EXIF details: Shutter speed 1/800s, Aperture f/8, ISO 250


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Jungle Cat fishing*

This photo corresponds to a very unusual and rare sighting of a jungle cat fishing for food.


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A Symphony of Birds in Harmony*

Rare sighting of various bird species in a single frame which are Black Necked Stork, Saras Cranes, Black Headed Ibis, Spot Billed Duck, Asian Openbil, all coexisting together.


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Rare sighting of Tufted Duck around Bhopal*

The Tufted Duck is a diving duck with a little flair. These are uncommon and rare for Bhopal and its surroundings. Their breeding habitat is close to marshes and lakes with plenty of vegetation to conceal the nest. They are also found on coastal lagoons, shorelines and sheltered ponds.


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The silent observer in its arboreal haven*

this image was taken in Bandhavgarh tiger reserve. The species is Asian palm civet. It was taken on 15 April 2022. it shows the civet on a tree. Though there are many civets, they are very rare to see as they are very shy and nocturnal animals.

Bandhavgarh tiger reserve

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Unflinching Cat*

In Photo- Jungle Cat This photo was captured in Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary of Dewas District. This cat was roaming in the grassland for a prey to catch. Jungle cats are silent prey catchers with a great agility. Jungle cat go as close as possible to the prey like mouse etc and then jump high on them to catch the prey.

Kheoni Wildlife Sanctuary 

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black billed tern*

photo taken during bird survey of satpura tiger reserve , 2017

Satpura tiger reserve

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smooth coated Otter*

During bird survey at Gandhisagar wildlife sanctuary in 2018

Gandhisagar wildlife sanctuary

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दो छोटे उल्लू , एक नए गर्दन थोड़ी घुमा ली तो दोनों की मिलकर तीन आंख दिखाई दे रही है।


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Indian Vultures in the royal city of Orchha*

The majestic Indian vultues once found in abundance in almost every historical monument in the city of Orchha near Betwa is now limited to a few numbers because of the restoration of monuments and increased tourism activities. This picture is taken in the royal cenotaphs of Orchha. Date of picture: 20/02/2022


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Mystical Bird: The Rare owl Encounter*

During my June expedition to Bandhavgarh last year, the anticipation of capturing majestic tigers in their natural domain filled our evening safari. Despite scouring the wilderness for nearly two hours, our hopes waned as elusive tigers remained hidden from view. Fatigue tinged our disappointment. Just when our spirits dipped, a glimmer amidst the rocky terrain caught my eye—a pair of luminous orbs piercing through the dusk. With a swift command, I urged the jeep to a halt, eager to unveil the mystery. Drawing closer, my heart quickened as the realization dawned: it was none other than the elusive Brown Wood Owl, an uncommon sight in Madhya Pradesh's rugged landscapes. In that fleeting moment, a surge of exhilaration washed over me, for I knew I was graced with a rare opportunity to witness and immortalize the enigmatic beauty of this lesser-known avian wonder.


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जलीय साथी*

यह तस्वीर उस क्षण को कैद करती है जब ब्लैक-हेडेड इबिस और ग्रेट कॉर्मोरेंट भोजन के लिए एक-दूसरे को डरा रहे थे ।


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